Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New website for OshoSpeak

Dear friends,

Love. I would like to share with you that I have created a new website for spreading Osho message.

Its currently under development. It also has a blog similar to this one. I took this step because I dont want to rely on other websites like Facebook and other free blog sites. Because they can anytime shut you down.

It has happened to me, I was having a nice fan page of OshoSpeak on FaceBook where I posted the same messages that I post here. But someone couldn't bear that and complained and the fan page was shutdown without any notice.

So now, even if someday someone complains about this blog and if this blog is also shutdown then I would still have my website to carry on my work i.e. spreading Osho' message.

Thanks for all your support and following. ~ love